Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 - Reassembly Slide will not go forward

I bought my Smith & Wesson Bodyguard a few years ago. It is a nice compact gun, fire nice but has a good kick that requires a good handle on the weapon.

 Make sure you have the clip with the extra finger grip. It shoots rather smoothly, I've had no issue with the firing or the slide not locking back like some people have reported.

BUT the one thing I found is that when you clean it if you disassemble it by locking the slid back, then rotating the pin to release the slide.
The problem comes on reassembly. If you use your fingers to lock the slide back...like in the Image 3.

 The slide will come off and you can take it apart easily really only a few pieces to clean the spring, the Barrel and the lower receiver.

This is probably the easiest way to get the pin back in but it will not allow the slide to go all the way forward as in Image 4.

The way to do this is make sure when you put the slide back on the weapon, you have the barrel as far forward as possible, as seen in Image 5.

This way when you lock the pin in the slide will go all the way forward.


  1. I am stuck in Image 4, barrel and slide, cant get the barrel to move forward
